Taxi Driver Medical Goole

Taxi Driver Medical
If you are about to apply for your first taxi driver license, there are a few important things you need to understand about the driver medical.
A Taxi Driver Medical examination is a legal requirement for anyone looking to drive vehicles open to the public. Taxi drivers must have passed an examination with a registered doctor.
The medical requirements for taxi drivers are usually the same as those for anyone holding a DVLA Class 2 driving license. However, in order to obtain a taxi license, you will have to prove that you meet these requirements. You will be required to have a medical performed by a doctor who can then confirm that you are fit to drive. However, the requirements for taxi driver licenses can vary depending on the local authority that is issuing them. Some areas require additional tests or standards. You will need to check the requirements from them when you apply for your license. Your local authority will provide a medical form for your doctor to complete.
Why do I need a Taxi Driver Medical?
A taxi driver medical is a medical assessment that every taxi or private-hire driver must complete before being granted their licence. The tests are done to ensure that drivers are well and safe enough to drive a private hire vehicle and maintain the safety of the public on the road.
The main heart conditions that are associated with drivers are heart disease and heart failure . Driving doesn’t require much physical activity so taxi drivers are a high risk group. Symptoms of heart disease or heart attacks include dizziness, faintness, and black-outs – all of which could cause a driver to lose control of the vehicle, putting them, the passenger and onlookers in danger.
In order to reduce the risk, this medical test is designed to monitor the cardiac health of drivers and therefore a doctor can tell you if you’re healthy enough to drive a taxi or not. A fitness certificate is given by the doctor to confirm this.

What happens during the Medical Test?
The doctor will normally take a sample of urine to check for diabetes and infection. If it shows as positive for diabetes, then further tests will be needed.
The doctor will also do the following:
- Check blood pressure and pulse
- Listen to the heart
- Check the driver’s movement
- Test hearing and vision
If the driver has previous medical history or suffered from a previous medical condition related to the heart then there may be additional assessments.
How often do you need a Taxi Medical?
The local authority that issues your taxi license will also decide how often drivers are required to have a health check. You may need to have more frequent taxi driver medicals as you grow older or if you are diagnosed with certain medical conditions. You might be required to have a medical every year if you are considered at high risk.
Check List Of What To Bring
- Photo ID eg Passport or Driving Licence.
- The appropriate paperwork. We have a copy of some forms on the useful links page
- Details of any hospital doctors you may be under.
- Details of your GP.
- List of any medication you are on.
- Be prepared to give a urine sample.
- Bring any glasses you wear and be prepared to remove contact lenses
- Bring in your last opticians eye test form (within last 2 years). You can ring opticians and ask them to send you a copy or send it direct to us via our email.
- Cash Payment.
- Please arrive on time, or let us know if you are running late.
- On arrival you will need to show us identification. We will get you to fill in a small form so that we can obtain details about you so and are able to start a computer record. This is totally confidential and allows us to look up your details if you enquire again.
- Please be prepared to give a urine sample. Please DO NOT bring one with you.
- The doctor will see you followed by the nurse if needed.
- All medical forms or certificates will be signed on the day. However if blood tests are needed than we can only complete the forms after the results arrive. This can be around a week.
- On leaving you will be asked to pay for the medical unless prior arrangements have been made with your company.
- May need to bring in a medical summary in the case of Taxi medicals.
- We do not take credit/debit cards.
Areas we serve for Taxi Driver Medicals