Our services
Here is a list of the services we offer at Barnetby Private Medicals.
Should you have any questions, you can of course get in touch with us prior to making an appointment. The receptionist will take any details and then call you back after making further enquiries.

This medical is needed for the completion of the D4 form. We have a computer generated D4 that can be done up to 4 months prior to renewal date, so you can book well in advance!
£ 60
We can do medicals for certain councils for your Taxi application eg. North Lincolnshire. Please check with us if we can do forms from your council.
You will need to bring in a medical summary of your records. This is free and obtained from your GP practice. This is because the form states that if a doctor who is not your GP signs the form- he must have seen your medical record.
£ 60
Confined Space
A number of people are killed or seriously injured in confined spaces each year in the UK. This happens in a wide range of industries, from those involving complex plant to simple storage vessels
£ 60
The examination includes an eye test, blood pressure check, urinalysis and a thorough examination (including the cardiac & musculoskeletal systems). If your organisation requires a blood test or HGV there may be an additional fee.
£ 60
A Forklift Truck Medical includes a forklift truck health questionnaire, Height, Weight, Blood Pressure, Lung function, urinalysis and Vision checks.
£ 60
Basic Safety Critical
Where a safety critical certificate is needed to work on certain sites – Not SEQOHS certified.
£ 60
Companies needing a medical for a pre employment check, or regular health screening. This can be a basic medical or have additional tests like hearing, drugs, breathing and HGV. Prices can vary depending on type of medical and additional tests required.
£ 60
Motorbike Racing
When applying for an ACU motorcycle licence you may need a medical depending on your health, age and whether you are racing internationally.
£ 60
Motor Sport Ass. (MCA)
International race competitors must undergo a medical examination by a Doctor when gaining a licence, additionally a resting HGV is needed for drivers who apply for an international licence under the age of 45
£ 60
Prices can vary depending on type of medical and additional tests required.
£ 60
Parachute Medicals
Over 40? Do have a medical condition? We can do the basic medical and issue a fitness to Sky Dive for those jumping for the first time.
£ 60
Drugs testing
Companies needing random drug testing use us to send employees at short notice. A basic urine screen can give a result in a few minutes.
£ 30
Breathing Tests
We can perform a spirometry test. This may be needed for safety critical work or when using breathing apparatus.
£ 30